Chronicles and video capsules

Learn the Ayurvedic lifestyle and its health benefits.

Discover inspiring tips for taking care of yourself naturally, reconnecting with nature and your own nature and finding balance in your heart, body & mind.

L’agriculture bio, de la terre à notre assiette

Organic farming, from the land to our plate

Does taking care of the earth appeal to you? C...

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Sauce alfredo aux noix de cajou

Cashew Alfredo Sauce

Our chef, Patrick Desautels, presents a creamy alfredo sauce made with cashews as well as the multiple possibilities that this recipe offers us. Krystine St-Laurent also presents the advantages of...
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Comment l’ayurveda conçoit-il l'élimination?

How does Ayurveda view elimination?

Krystine St-Laurent, accompanied by France Gauthier, presents how Ayurveda designs elimination. First, a process of becoming aware of what surrounds us, what we consume and what enters our body. Then,...
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Ratatouille pour Kapha

Ratatouille for Kapha

Our chef, Patrick Desautels, presents us with a delicious recipe for spicy ratatouille and brown rice. Krystine St-Laurent explains how the ingredients in this recipe can stimulate Kapha and how...
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La santé naturelle selon l’ayurvéda

Natural health according to Ayurveda

How does Ayurveda view health? What rituals can we put in place in our lives to get closer to this natural health? This is what Krystine St-Laurent explains to us...
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Lasagne végétarienne colorée et délicieuse

Colorful and delicious vegetarian lasagna

Need color with a touch of spring? Discover this recipe for vegetarian lasagna in the colors of Ayurveda. A simple lasagna, filled with vegetables and bursting with flavor. We accompany...
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À la découverte du kitchari (recette simple et protéinée)

Discovering kitchari (simple and protein-packed recipe)

Kitchari, in India, is a meal that can be cooked in several ways, with different tastes and ingredients. A bit as if each region or family has its own secret...
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Bouillon de légumes maison et bon pour nous

Homemade vegetable broth and good for us

Find out how to make a tasty homemade vegetable broth. A broth with simple ingredients that are good for us. Several recipes are then possible with this broth base: vegetable...
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En apprendre plus sur l'aromathérapie avec Krystine

Learn more about aromatherapy with Krystine

In this capsule, Krystine introduces us to the wonderful world of aromatherapy. She explores how smells affect our mood in addition to the origins and history surrounding aromatherapy. Introduction [0:40]...
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Potage réconfortant de courge, carotte et gingembre frais

Comforting squash, carrot and fresh ginger soup

Krystine and her team present us with a comforting, inflammatory and soothing soup recipe. This squash, carrot and ginger soup is a perfect evening meal. It will calmly soothe you...
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Les plantes qui aident le corps à éliminer

Plants that help the body eliminate

In this capsule, Krystine talks to us about the importance of helping our body eliminate. She also introduces us to the different plants that can help us do this on...
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Comment s’approprier les tendances des résultats du Quiz Dosha

How to take ownership of Dosha Quiz results trends

Are you Wind (Vata), Fire (Pitta) or Earth (Kapha)? How can knowing your dosha help you achieve head-heart-body-spirit balance? This is what Krystine shows us in this video!
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