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Thank you for your interest in connecting with us!

Please know that we honor and pay attention to every message received. At this time, we cannot answer each question individually. We are navigating with a river of resources which varies and which follows a current never discovered until now. So we have to adjust day by day.
Please review the following information on common questions we receive before contacting us.
1 – General Information
Our oils and other INSPIRATA products are currently in high demand and inventory is moving quickly. We adjust our production accordingly, while respecting the rhythm of nature and the availability of resources.
To keep up to date with new arrivals, make sure to subscribe to our newsletter and join our Facebook page . We will share the latest news there regularly.
If your question relates to product availability, we share information via our social networks and our newsletter when a particular product is restocked. Stay connected with our newsletter and Facebook group to receive information.
If your question relates to product availability, we will not be able to answer it personally. Stay connected with our newsletter and Facebook group to receive information.
For our events: we follow the wave, one day at a time. For more than 2 years, indoor events have been replaced by online workshops. That said, we are adjusting as restrictions are deployed and changes. There are currently retreats planned and the workshops will resume shortly (see events section).
If your question relates to product availability, we will not be able to answer it personally. Stay connected with our newsletter and Facebook group to receive information.
We receive many requests for references on the following subjects: training relating to natural health, overall health, training relating to Ayurveda / aromatherapy / herbalism or suggestion of well-being rituals according to specific situations. However, it is impossible for us to respond to all requests individually or to refer to a particular institution since needs vary from one person to another.
We invite you to come join us in our community on our Facebook group . This will undoubtedly create exchanges between nature and Ayurveda enthusiasts 😉
Krystine St Laurent offers training in the form of workshops or online programs. Stay connected via our newsletter and social networks to be on the lookout for events or new programs.
Important: Requests for advice relating to a particular issue cannot be responded to by email or through exchanges in a Facebook group. We suggest you consult a healthcare professional for any specific requests.
We receive a lot of requests but Krystine St Laurent no longer offers private consultations at this time.
For your shared desire for new containers/formats to protect the planet, we have been working for 3 years (for real!) to develop new ecological containers allowing a limited footprint on the environment. These new bottles will be available soon (depending on how the situation evolves). We can't wait to introduce them to you!
In the meantime, we recommend recycling bottles.
Krystine gives her heart and soul to maintaining a connected, grounded and feel-good community. It offers, one week at a time, moments of sharing wisdom or rituals during a live session in our Facebook group . Be sure to log in and request access to join the discussion: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1860376817561306/
Don't forget to take care of yourself, because as Krystine says: if you don't do it, no one will do it for you. Find inspiration for your well-being rituals on our blog and enjoy the lives on our various social media pages!
2 – FAQ
For any other questions, we invite you to consult our FAQ.
If, despite everything, your question remains unanswered, complete the form below to contact us. We will respond as soon as possible.
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