Chronicles and video capsules

Learn the Ayurvedic lifestyle and its health benefits.

Discover inspiring tips for taking care of yourself naturally, reconnecting with nature and your own nature and finding balance in your heart, body & mind.



Il y a quelque chose de subtil dans l'air ces...

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Préservation du patrimoine génétique des plantes : choix de semences et biodiversité

Preservation of the genetic heritage of plants: choice of seeds and biodiversity

Gardening is easier than you think! Returning to the land, to choosing our plants and vegetables allows us to discover a wide variety of plants, vegetables and fruits, greater than...
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Recette pour préparer un ghee ayurvédique

Recipe for preparing Ayurvedic ghee

In the Ayurvedic tradition, ghee is a food used every day. Discover how to prepare Ayurvedic ghee with Krystine St-Laurent, who presents the benefits of this satvic food and the...
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Recette de sauce marinara maison

Homemade Marinara Sauce Recipe

In this Health capsule! Life!, our chef and Krystine St-Laurent present you a beautiful way to cook fresh tomatoes from our gardens with a marinara sauce recipe. Krystine introduces us...
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Recette de wrap végétarien et houmous

Vegetarian wrap and hummus recipe

In this Health capsule! La vie!, our chef and Krystine St-Laurent prepared us a vegetarian wrap and hummus. Krystine presents the benefits of plant proteins to help the body eliminate...
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Ayurveda et cycles hormonaux: Rebalancer notre système hormonal

Ayurveda and hormonal cycles: Rebalancing our hormonal system

Ayurveda and hormonal cycles, two concepts that combine together to find hormonal balance in our body. In this video, Krystine St-Laurent shares with us the importance of hormonal balancing and...
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Ayurveda et la santé parfaite

Ayurveda and perfect health

Ayurveda and perfect health, two concepts that bring us back to balance between head, heart, body and spirit. In this video, Krystine St-Laurent explains the benefits of catnip, a garden...
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La nourriture médicinale pour supporter l'élimination et la régénéressence

Medicinal food to support elimination and regeneration

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Pousses et germination

Shoots and germination

In this Health capsule! Life!, Krystine St-Laurent talks with Imane Lahlou about the world of sprouts, the different varieties and how to consume them. Introduction [0:45] Germination cycle and shoots...
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Que doit-on manger pour se nourrir ?

What should we eat to nourish ourselves?

In this Health capsule! Life!, Krystine St-Laurent informs us about eating according to the seasons in relation to our dosha (unique physical and mental constitution) Introduction [0:44] Health according to...
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Comment préparer un bain de pied d'été pour se rafraîchir et déstresser

How to prepare a summer foot bath to refresh and de-stress

Too full of emotions? Of stress? Feeling like you're being led by chaos? Join Krystine in her garden to learn how to make a quick and easy foot soak with...
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Récolter et conserver les fines herbes et plantes médicinales de son jardin

Harvest and preserve herbs and medicinal plants from your garden

Is your early season sown garden now abundant with lavender, basil, rosemary, calendula, chamomile and other aromatic plants that it's time to harvest? Discover the methods proposed by Krystine for...
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