Ayurveda and hormonal cycles, two concepts that combine together to find hormonal balance in our body. In this video, Krystine St-Laurent shares with us the importance of hormonal balancing and answers your questions about Ayurveda, oils and upcoming webinars.

  • Introduction [0:00]
  • Remembering our tools and anchoring ourselves in the present moment [5:45]
  • Rebalancing our hormones, we are the 5 elements and the 3 doshas [13:26]
  • Ayurveda seeks the cause/root of the imbalance [18:28]
  • Nature & Ayurveda book – Small journal to download [23:20]
  • Question: Am I choosing the right product? [28:01]
  • Question: Could I have the wrong oil? [30:03]
  • Benefits of self-massage? [34:33]
  • Question: What technique to soothe tinnitus? [39:57]
  • Presentation of the workshops [46:40]

Soothe with nature & Ayurveda


Receive our free ebook “Soothe with Nature and Ayurveda” in which Krystine offers you 4 tips to soothe yourself on a daily basis. A gentle reminder of the importance of slowing down and taking care of yourself 🙏