In the company of Catherine Gaumond, director of the Augustinian monastery museum, and Krystine St-Laurent, we explore the history of Augustinian apothecary knowledge in America.

  • Introduction [0:40]
  • Influence of the apothecary knowledge of the Augustines and Amerindians [0:55]
  • Discovery of Capillary for Europeans [1:45]
  • Ginseng in history [3:05]
  • Anecdote concerning maple syrup, Montcalm and the Augustines [3:35]

Created and hosted by Krystine St-Laurent, the television show Santé! The life! helps us discover and simplify in a concrete and sought-after way natural health and a way of life in harmony between head, body, spirit and nature.

Exploring Ayurveda (the medical branch of yoga), aromatic plants, essential oils and everything related to well-being, Health! the life! is a show focused on simple and effective tips for cultivating vital energy.

Dosha Quiz

What are the elements most present in me?


Wind & Space


Fire & Water


Water & Earth