Many people have insomnia and experience symptoms in their daily lives, yet it is possible to soothe this and promote sleep with simple actions. In this Health capsule! Life!, Krystine St-Laurent presents five things that can influence the quality of our sleep.

  • Introduction [0:44]
  • Insomnia and related discomforts [1:18]
  • Five things that influence sleep quality [2:28]
  • Medicinal plants to prepare the body for sleep [5:20]

Thanks to our co-host, François Lemay

Created and hosted by Krystine St-Laurent, the television show Santé! The life! helps us discover and simplify in a concrete and sought-after way natural health and a way of life in harmony between head, body, spirit and nature.

Exploring Ayurveda (the medical branch of yoga), aromatic plants, essential oils and everything related to well-being, Health! the life! is a show focused on simple and effective tips for cultivating vital energy.

Dosha Quiz

What are the elements most present in me?


Wind & Space


Fire & Water


Water & Earth